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Liberia 2024 Investment Conference "Winds of Change"!


Jul 28, 2024

Aphcan Group Partners with Nova Africa Ventures

Aphcan Group Partners with Nova Africa Ventures for Liberia 2024 Investment Conference August 5-8, 2024

Aphcan Group is proud to announce our communications partnership for the Liberia 2024 Investment Conference, scheduled to be held at the EJS Ministerial Complex in Monrovia, Liberia. This prestigious event will gather over 500 local and international investors to explore and capitalize on the vast investment opportunities within Liberia.

We are honored to have His Excellency Joseph N. Boakai, President of Liberia, as the keynote speaker. President Boakai's leadership and vision for economic growth will set the tone for what promises to be a transformative conference.

Investment Opportunities in Liberia

Liberia offers a wealth of opportunities for investors across multiple sectors. Here are some key areas where investments can flourish:

Agriculture: With its fertile soil and favorable climate, Liberia is a prime location for agricultural ventures. There are significant opportunities in crop production, agro-processing, and the export of commodities such as rubber, cocoa, and coffee.

Mining and Natural Resources: Liberia's rich deposits of iron ore, gold, and diamonds present lucrative opportunities for investment in the mining sector, promising substantial returns and sustainable development.

Infrastructure Development: The ongoing development in Liberia creates a high demand for infrastructure projects. Investment opportunities abound in road construction, energy, telecommunications, and housing development.

Tourism: From pristine beaches to lush rainforests, Liberia's diverse landscapes are ripe for tourism development. Investment in eco-tourism, hospitality, and related services can attract and accommodate a growing number of visitors.

Renewable Energy: As Liberia focuses on sustainable development, the renewable energy sector offers substantial investment potential. Opportunities in solar, wind, and hydroelectric power can help meet the country's energy needs and environmental goals.

Technology and Innovation: The tech sector in Liberia is growing rapidly, with opportunities for investment in startups, ICT infrastructure, and digital services. This sector is driven by a young, dynamic population and is poised for significant expansion.

We invite investors from around the world to join us at the Liberia 2024 Investment Conference. Together, we can unlock Liberia's full potential and drive lasting economic growth and development.

For more information and to register for the conference, please visit

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